Truck routing and business administration simplified

Driver Log In

Driver work hours can be recorded and sent to the company payroll application

Pre-Start Checklist

A Pre-Start Checklist is available which requires the driver to complete before selecting a route.

Guided navigation

A routing schedule is sent to each truck based on a separate scheduling application. The screen satellite navigates the driver to each destination.

Messaging System

Our in-cabin screen has a simple text messaging application for the Transport Manager to send messages to each driver.

A unique Solution

This in-cabin computer is the next level of technology only supplied by us. The driver enters his truck cabin and logs into his computer. This records his name, number and start time and sends these details through to the company’s payroll application. He is then presented with a Pre-Start Checklist whch requires him to confirm that each critical item on the truck has been inspected before he starts his journey, such as lights, tyres, cleanliness of truck etc.

The computer then asks him to select his route number from a list and then he starts his journey. Our software application is called Milk Transport Computer (MTC) and it stores all of the important data. We can use this collection data and Truck data to populate a route optimizer application that will use a sophisticated algorithm to generate a sheet of optimized routes for each truck.

These routes can then be sent directly to the in-cabin computer (called a TOC). The system is so simple to use. The TOC then satellite navigates the driver to each farm in an optimal manner. It then navigates him to the delivery unload location. The TOC also has two other useful functions: 1. It has an sms messaging system between the office and the driver, and 2. it connects to the truck’s CanBus system so it can monitor the performance of the truck for fleet management decisions.

We save millions for milk processing companies

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We save millions for milk processing companies

Our detailed and real life study shows it step by step how a milk processing company can benefit from our solutions.

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